- Stiches: He crashed with his car and he had got five stiches. - Burstin: Suddenly, the dogs burstins in the hall of the palace. - Uphill: Come on, we have pass the mountains uphill. - Meanwhile: Meanwhile, the teacher teach the irregular verbs. - Path: Look at, there is a path to this lake. - Sleb: We used the sleb because it was snowing. - Stumble: Warning, you are going tu stumble! - Sick: My grandmother is sick, so we don´t go to London. - Icing: This cake was icing. - Ginger: My aunt made a ginger cake.
• CHARACTERS: Irene: is a little girl, who transports the Duchess´gown. Irene´s mother: she is a dressmaker, who made a dress to the Duchess. Duchess: she needs a gowb to her ball. My favourite character is...: Irene, because she is very valiant, persuasive and responsible. She gets transport the Duchess´gown.
This book is a realistic book. Irene is a little girl. Her mother is a dressmaker and she made a gown to the Duchess, but she has got a blow and she gets sick, so she doesný go out of her house. Irene decided to helpn her and she said to the mother that she´ll stay at house. Irene´s mother needs to give the gown to the Duchess, because she has got a ball. So, Irene comes to the Duchess´house to give her the gown, But Irene has got a problem, outside it´s snowing and windy. Irene walks to the Duchess´house, but the wind takes the gown out. Irene has got a big problem. She runs after the gown and, finaly, she took it. Later, she found the Duchess´house and give it to the Duchess. Then, she goes home with her mother.
This book is beautiful, but a bit difficult to read. It has got a lot of difficult words, bur the story was interesting and nice. I like this book.
ResponderEliminar• TITLE: Brave Irene.
• AUTHOR´S NAME: William Steig.
• STUDENT´S NAME: Marta Paz.
Stiches: puntos de sutura.
Duchess: duquesa.
Sick: enfermo/a.
Poor: pobre.
Fleece-lined: lana forrada.
Uphill: cuesta arriba.
Stumble: tropezar.
Knobby: nudosas.
Errand: recado.
Gown: vestido.
Hurt: dañar/lastimar.
Clow: garra/pinza.
Buried: enterrar.
Leaped: saltar.
Sleb: trineo.
Somehow: de alguna manera.
Moisture: humedad.
Meanwhile: mientras tanto.
Ankle: tobillo.
Landscape: paisaje.
Drift: distanciarse.
Path: sendero.
Ginger: jengibre.
Icing: glaseado.
Cherished: querido/apreciado.
Burst in: irrumpir.
- Stiches: He crashed with his car and he had got five stiches.
- Burstin: Suddenly, the dogs burstins in the hall of the palace.
- Uphill: Come on, we have pass the mountains uphill.
- Meanwhile: Meanwhile, the teacher teach the irregular verbs.
- Path: Look at, there is a path to this lake.
- Sleb: We used the sleb because it was snowing.
- Stumble: Warning, you are going tu stumble!
- Sick: My grandmother is sick, so we don´t go to London.
- Icing: This cake was icing.
- Ginger: My aunt made a ginger cake.
Irene: is a little girl, who transports the Duchess´gown.
Irene´s mother: she is a dressmaker, who made a dress to the Duchess.
Duchess: she needs a gowb to her ball.
My favourite character is...: Irene, because she is very valiant, persuasive and responsible. She gets transport the Duchess´gown.
This book is a realistic book.
Irene is a little girl. Her mother is a dressmaker and she made a gown to the Duchess, but she has got a blow and she gets sick, so she doesný go out of her house. Irene decided to helpn her and she said to the mother that she´ll stay at house. Irene´s mother needs to give the gown to the Duchess, because she has got a ball. So, Irene comes to the Duchess´house to give her the gown,
But Irene has got a problem, outside it´s snowing and windy. Irene walks to the Duchess´house, but the wind takes the gown out. Irene has got a big problem. She runs after the gown and, finaly, she took it.
Later, she found the Duchess´house and give it to the Duchess.
Then, she goes home with her mother.
This book is beautiful, but a bit difficult to read. It has got a lot of difficult words, bur the story was interesting and nice. I like this book.